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When the clock struck 12…

When the clock struck 12, Cinderella’s carriage broke and so did my mom's water bag. The story of my birth was not as dramatic but like lord Krishna, I too landed in the middle of the night, literally fighting for my life. 48 years later, amidst the lock-down and too much time on hands, I reviewed my so-called dramatic fairy tale...

Since its ‘Mom’ who is the producer of this masterpiece, I'll begin with her. A happy go lucky woman, who was just learning to play ‘house’ got a baby doll too soon! In between playing cards, cooking eggs, stitching frocks and knitting designer sweaters, she gave me a 'jackpot' in the form of twin siblings and made me a 'mom' at the age of 3.

Why were my parents in the ‘Badhai Ho’ mode so soon, I don’t know, but for me the doors to a playschool ‘Lucky Modern School’ opened that taught me the English alphabet rhyme in Punjabi….B for Bitch….Bitch means Kutti. That’s not all. I was even made to sing this fusion rhyme in the family gatherings! I bear the scars even today, by being the butt of the family joke at every reunion!

The Twins were not as mean as the Cinderella step-sisters but they were instrumental in making my life hell vicariously. Every broken pencil, spilled oil drum, every mischief that THEY incurred was MY fault. I got a ‘clingy roommate’ by default who could only sleep by suffocating me to death and a ‘perfect mom’s boy’ who even learnt to cook before us girls!

The director of the show, my Dad - a silent black and white movie, reveled in our childhood in his own way. He would ask for repeat telecast of our fights, enjoyed the live action, the loud music, constant stream of friends, Bollywood movies and did not know the meaning of the word Discipline.

And then came the ‘Prince charming’ riding on a horse, tall, dark and handsome, breaking all myths on MB romances. The candles didn’t burn, the flowers just didn’t bloom and the music became a gloriously clashing reality.

So, did this Cinderella lead a fairy tale life? I don’t know. All I know is that I landed in a ‘family’ that was ‘happy’ and taught me the real meaning of ‘happiness’. I was gifted a ‘mom’ who made me a better ‘mother’. I got a ‘silent rock’, my dad who is my ‘Rockstar’.

A baby brother & sister who always looked up to me and made me who I am. Our ‘strong bond’ is my biggest ‘strength’ today.

The prince charming may not have brought in the roses, but the fragrance of our relationship quietly lingers. The light of our love shines brightly in our son and daughter as we try to perform the crazy dance of life in this beautiful, fairy-tale like reality….

As the clock strikes 12 today, I thank all the stars up there for shining so brightly on me and mine…..

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