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Ayurvedic Spas - complete life transformation experience

Ayurveda has been India’s answer for creating a balance in human mind, body and spirit since the ages. Modern lifestyles, increased stress, causes imbalance in the bio energetic forces in the human body, where Ayurvedic spas come to the rescue and offer positive, holistic growth and rejuvenation.

Ayurveda was the first system of medicine to recognize the concept of individual mind/body types and firmly believes that everyone is born with their own natural balance which influences all aspects of their life, including body structure, emotional makeup and predisposition to illnesses. The Ayurvedic spas offer extremely personal and 360 degrees wellness regime identifying a person’s ideal state of balance, offering a holistic treatment using diet, massages, herbs, aromatherapy, music, and meditation to regenerate balance, heal, cleanse, relax and revitalize. Based on its core holistic healing pillars of Restore & Relax, Breathe & Meditate, Align & Flow, Strengthen & Balance, and Philosophize & Harmonize, the Ayurvedic spas are uniquely designed to rejuvenate and unwind the human body and soul towards a sense of complete tranquility.

The five eternal substances – space, air, fire, water and earth combine to form the human body, by creating three vital doshas that govern all psycho-physiological functions in the

body. When these vital forces are aggravated, the body- mind connection begins to suffer and the diseases set in. Ayurvedic physicians map out a structured program of diet, exercise, meditation, according to body type to bring immunity, balance, energy and peace.

Essential oils are powerful substances that relax, motivate, inspire, harmonize and balance

the emotions & improve the wellbeing and Ayurveda inculcates herbal massages to dispel

fatigue and enliven the body's own self-healing mechanism. Special massages like Pizhichil using a variety of herbal oils is proven in curing paralysis and nervous disorders. Abhyangam is well known to treat diabetes and obesity. Nasyam Snehapanam & and

Kizhi have been proven medically to treat sports injuries, skin diseases & leukemia. Slow and synchronized massages using less oils, regulating nutrition, customized treatments & aftercare program are designed under the supervision of ayurvedic physicians, therapists and yoga experts.

The practice and philosophy of Ayurveda is not only to restore balance and ease the aches

and pains of the body but also those of the spirit. Meditation forms a major part of the

treatment that helps in experiencing inner calm and tranquility. Today's accelerated pace of

life has led to stress, insomnia, anxiety and chronic health issues and meditation is the most

direct way to experience inner silence and well-being. It has been proven scientifically that

meditation slows the breathing, reduces blood pressure and stress levels. Ayurveda meaning "knowledge of life" is the most ancient system of preventive healthcare for creating balance and strengthening the body healing abilities for a life-transforming experience.

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