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Work Samples

Book Editing & Designing

Designed, edited and visualised the I CAN Singapore book for SoCh In Action. Led a team of writers, edited stories, that showcase 50 real stories by real children who believe in two of the most powerful words in the universe ‘I CAN’.

Edited, compiled, designed this 100-page book for the young photographer. A book tracing the history of self-photography to its modern day avatar - Selfie was extremely colourful, exciting, creative and a project that's quite close to our hearts. 


Book on Self Photography 
Personalised Albums

We specialise in creating Personalised Albums to create unique precious memorabilia. Every occasion from Golden Jubilee to 18th Birthday, Retirement to the naughty 40’s, Reunions to new births, is a time to open these boxes and create some new moments with the old. Our designers work in close tandem with copywriters to recreate ‘Your story’ that is totally unique and personalised and suggest various mediums, to celebrate and immortalise those precious memories. Visit the page to see some unique ideas, samples and joyful stories of people that we have helped in creating ‘Designer Memorabilia….’

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