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So close in the mind...

So close in the mind…yet so far…

So deep in the thoughts…yet so apart…

Distance is just in the mind….and that’s not far…

Yet it’s just in the mind …that you always are…

Where do we meet… but in the dreams…

To say the unsaid….or the communicable…

A momentary vision… a heartening illusion…

Untouchable, unreachable…unattainable…

Incomplete conversations…just in the mind…

Calling out to you…subconsciously aloud…

Reach out… as I feel your presence…

But..Reality is just …an unbearable silence

A rainy day….. swish swash of wipers

A quiet cup of coffee ....with minimal conversation

A celebratory triumph….incomplete without sharing

A small hurt …….soothed by just hearing…

Small things, big things….

They all come back to you…

A mundane routine existence…

Lifeless …as in a vacuum…

Do you reach out…looking for me?

Has something triggered… a memory of me?

What do you miss…. when you think of me?

What do wish….if it would d just be…?

Alas…a meaningless thought process, albeit…

Yet…a poignant, bittersweet reminder…

Of moments …that are now a memory…

Of a closeness… that now seems imaginary….

Do I need words to convey my thoughts?

Or for my feelings to show?

Nah….coz you’ll just turn around and say….

“Yeah…I know….!!!”

Yet a reassurance…

A signal that I crave…

That am not just a “have been…”

I’ll always be there….

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